Thank you for visiting the Blue Cypress Kennels' website.  Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting deposits for the purchase of pups or trained dogs.  If you would like to be contacted in the event that we change this policy, please emails us your information at

Dog Training

Blue Cypress Kennels

Puppy 'FUN'damentals

Our puppy program is structured to maximize the first eight weeks of life to encourage bold, yet balanced puppies that are curious, adventurous, and ready to transition into their new homes. All of our puppies go through ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation), ESI (Early Scent Introduction), sound introductions – including gun fire, socialization, manding, litter training, crate training, water introduction, learning through play, and more, utilizing the litter and the group play to expose them to as many new things as we can while making new experiences fun. We know the importance of challenging them mentally to build
confidence, being sure to introduce them to things as they are ready, and
taking note of their individual needs. We take the puppy process very seriously, from the breed pairing until the time they go home with you. We always focus on nature AND nurture here at BCK, so you can be rest assured, your family’s new addition has a great foundation for life.

– Introduction to crate training and housebreaking
– Extended and calm crate times
– Lead familiarization 

– Started on training concepts 
– Introduction to basic obedience (sit, heel, wait, and recall)
– Encourage social manners 
– Social interactions and outings

Blue Cypress Kennels

STaRTed Training

All the skill sets of our ‘FUN’damental program plus:
– Crate Trained and Housebroken
– Obedience on-lead and starting off the lead work
– Lining on single retrieves and started to steady
– Early introductions to water, birds, and gunfire
– Started on a training program

Blue Cypress Kennels

SEASONED training

All the skill sets in both our ‘FUN’damental and Started Dog programs plus:
– Lining on Multiple retrieves for land and water
– Stop to whistle and cast work both land and water
– Scenario training for duck hunting and upland hunting
– Steady to shot and flushing bird
– Started on patterns for blind retrieves
– All obedience skills off the lead
– Hunted the first season on the plantation and retrieved 150 plus birds

Blue Cypress Kennels


All the skill sets of our ‘FUN’damental, Started and Seasoned Training  programs plus:
– Continue work on cold blinds and concepts of blinds with Marking setups
– Steady to all scenarios including wagon dog type hunting
– Picking up on Tower / Driven and Plantation style hunts
– Picked over 300 birds in two full seasons

Proven Performance ®

If you are looking for more than just a promise of an exceptional British Labrador, come see the difference that Proven Performance® makes. Blue Cypress Kennels.
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